Product Details
The Stainless Steel S-Beam Load Cell Model TC16 belongs to the S type group of load cells. Transducers of this type are symmetrical and have threaded holes top and bottom to introduce the load which can either be in tension or compression.
For simple weighing applications, for example, a small hanging silo, the aluminium TC16 is quite sufficient, since the load is static. For dynamic applications, for example in filling and mixing plants, the alloy steel model is more suited. In the food industry, where aggressive cleaning agents are used, or in unprotected outdoor applications, the stainless steel model has to be used.
Because of their good dynamic performance and their symmetrical design, S-shaped load cells also often used as force transducers. Typical applications include force measurements, material testing and the monitoring of cable tension in lift and cranes to prevent overload. Other applications include torque measurements on engines (dynamometer), transmissions and power brakes.
Due to the compact design, the Stainless Steel S-Beam Load Cell can be manufactured cost-effectively and offers a real alternative to the traditional more expensive force transducers. The TC16 load cell is fitted with a 6 core shielded cable as standard. Special cables and lengths are available on request.
For a lower cost low capacity s-beam load cell see our TC01 S-Beam Load Cell